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Graphe Bible School

Graphe Bible School is an in person, non-residential, weekly grassroots training program located at New Hope Community Church, in Cardiff Wales.

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Graphe Bible School

3  Terms are needed for graduation

You can start with any of the 3 terms provided, on the completion of all three you will be granted a graduation certificate. Each Term is 11 weeks with a total of 34 hours of study. To help equip you for practical ministry involvement.

Winter Term

The Winter Term will deal with the major Doctrines of Scripture and Theology.

Such as:

Bibliology, Theology Proper, Biblical Anthropology, Christology, Pneumatology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, including New Covenant, Gospel of the Kingdom, P.R.E.P.B.A.C.K.S. etc...

Our faith and doctrine are grounded on the sure foundation of the text of God's Word.

The Spring Term is geared towards helping equip you with Practical Ministry teaching. Subjects consisting of:

Theological and Practical equipping to Lead Communion & Conduct Baptisms, Doctrine and Practical teaching on Laying on of Hands and prayer for the sick, Prophetic, Leading a person to Christ, Spiritual Gifts, Leading Worship Services, Leading Bible Studies and Group Discussions. etc...

The understanding of theologically why and how to function in the Power of the Holy Spirit in practical areas of Ministry.

Autumn Term

The Autumn Term will consist of Preparation for Preaching and Leading including:

Preparing a Bible Study, Children's  lessons, Preparation for preaching a gospel message, Teaching a passage of scripture, Word, Topical and Character Studies and presentation, Learning the Inductive study method to study and prepare messages from scripture.

Equipping you to prepare and present the Word of God in different settings and in various situations in the Power of the Holy Spirit.


Send us a message

If your interested in applying for the next term of Graphe you can contact us for more information.

Fill out the details below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Ball Road, Llanrumney, Cardiff, CF3 4BX






New Hope Community Church